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Consent to utilize
Marketing Information


# Consent to utilize Marketing Information 

1. Purpose of collecting and using personal information

   - To send service-related information, solicit customized services, operate events, and send advertising information.

2. Items of personal information to be collected

   - Nickname, date of birth, gender, phone number, email

3. Retention and use period of personal information: Until the user withdraws consent or withdraws membership

   * However, personal information may be retained for a certain period of time even after withdrawal as stipulated by law.

4. If you refuse to consent to the marketing use of personal information, there are no restrictions on membership registration, but there may be restrictions on information and participation in marketing services.

※ We do not provide your personal information to third parties unless we receive separate consent or there are special provisions in the law, and we do not utilize your personal information beyond the scope of personal information collection consent as described above.

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